Monday, August 26, 2013

Exporting Higher Education and Global Innovation Networks

Japan suffering from too much social capital at Pacific Standard magazine.

Theme: Social capital and globalization.

Subject Article: "Japan’s Education Minister Aims to Foster Global Talents."

Other Links: 1. "Inbreeding Homophily."
2. "The Strength of Weak Ties: A Network Theory Revisited."
3. "Networking Regionalised Innovative Labour Markets."

Postscript: I'm getting onto firmer ground with the link between less social capital (weak ties) and globalization. Economic globalization avoids places with too much social capital. This flips the conventional narrative of globalization ravaging the Rust Belt as told by Richard Longworth in his excellent book, "Caught in the Middle."  Counter-intuitively, distressed urban neighborhoods and struggling countries such as Japan need to open to globalization by opening up social networks and weakening ties.

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