Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bourbon Diaspora

The Mayor of Louisville is actively seeking boomerang migrants:

Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio scoffed at the idea of Louisville stealing young professionals.

"It seems kind of strange to me that a mayor from another city would do that," she said. "If he wants to get a Cuban sandwich with me, I'll give him a tour, and then he might want to move here himself."

Adding insult to any injury Abramson may have caused local leaders, Forbes this month ranked Tampa dead last for the second consecutive year among 40 major cities it deemed best for young professionals. The magazine cited a lack of alumni from major schools and low expectations for salary growth.

Chris Poynter, spokesman for the Louisville mayor's office, said Tampa was targeted, in part, because it has 1,400 University of Louisville alumni and the largest alumni chapter outside Louisville.

This is Louisville's sixth such "reunion" party. Louisville officials have chosen an ambitious list of cities: Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Atlanta. They went to Chicago twice.

Meanwhile, back in Pittsburgh ... *crickets*.

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